This has finalized it right here.

What is it? PS3 version of GTA4 runs on 640p. Wow. So special. That means the XBOX360 version does that too.


Nope. The 360 version runs on 720p. If you'd like to see other reasons why I'll be getting the 360 version, look at my newest post on VGNO.

I'm sorry, The_Conductor, it just had to happen. Hay, littlebigplanet is only a summer away!

Hay! Wats up? Have been gone for a while but I'll be makin' a LOT more posts now.

So, for a first post, Anime/Manga breakout! #9!

I have found the June 2008 issue of Shonen Jump Mag, and I have made found a new interest, Rosario Vampire! It's about this kid that accidentally enrolls into a monster high-school and has some weird things happen to him. I have only read the first 56 pages, but they are starting to get more and more interesting! And as always, I will have VNManga to help me get the full chapters. This series is ongoing, so I won't be able to read a volume a night, but I just have a feeling this isgoing to be good.

Oh, by the way, this is NOT a hentai flick, just to let you know if the preview picture screwed you up, is all.

Now you see me...

Posted by Didi Sunday, April 27, 2008 0 comments

Yep I know you were probably all worried about me, but I'm fine I just couldn't get on my computer for a while. HUGE NEWS THIS WEEK: Grand Theft Auto IV gets a 10/10 from IGN(best of the series!), Bioshock rumored to come this fall to PS3, I finally got my hands on Assassin's Creed and that game is so confusing. I mean I get confused like what I should do at times(save person on let them die), but other than that it is an awesome and totally not worth a 7.5(IGN). Did I forget to mention I beat Kaillif's gamerscore yessss. Oh and add my friend on Xbox Live if you can
gamertag:monkie dukie
He's my friend outside of school, and tell him Didi sent YOU


Posted by Anonymous Friday, April 25, 2008 0 comments

Didi has (unofficially) beat my Gamerscore!!!! W00terz!!!! Letz now all wait for teh official beat soon! All you need is a little less than a thousand more!

I've let my boys down

Posted by Didi Sunday, April 20, 2008 0 comments

I've just been playing video games for too long. So I decided to use the money I get to go into this ju-jitsu class and try not to play video games that much. Doesn't mean I'm stopping just means don't expect to see me on Xbox Live as much as you used to.

Now FINALLY I will go into news of the week. Mario Kart Wii get's an 8.5 from IGN and it actually has awsome online, Brothers in Arms: Hells Highway actually get's some attenion yay, UT3 360 multiplayer footage was released this week, and yes there is an Iron Man demo on Marketplace. Live Fire Weekend for Call of Duty 4 so make you download that gamerpicture and next weekend legendary weekend (25-27) for Halo 3 so download the new maps and gamerpicture.

Ok. So, I went to my friend's house for some party, and I had quite an experience.

First, I tried playing the drums fo realz, and I have to say it actually kind of works! Maps works the best, of course, but Reptilia and Wave of Mutilation work too! I tried Dani California, the cymbals just didn't sound right though. 3's and 7's worked fine too!

Next, I played some Guitar Hero III(not going to talk about it) and Halo 3(I have officially lost all skill).

Finally, we went inside his uncle's room to play some PS3. I played two games.

Ninja Gaiden Sigma

Assassin's Creed

Now, I don't know if this is for all games, but why is there always this warning about something relating to the disk? I also noticed that there actually was a loading screen at the beggining of Assassin's Creed. Does it seriously take that long? I also noticed that the PS3 version usually gets a better frame rate, but quickly switches back to a slow frame rate(like the Xbox 360, except without the better frame rate bursts), which makes the game seem unstable.

Ninja Gaiden Sigma(the original Ninja Gaiden ported to the PS3) is also a fun game, but the level of difficulty is freaking deadly. I mean, I only died 3 times, but it is very easy to get yourself killed if you don't know what your doing(the three times I died, I did not know how to use the Flying Swallow). The only boss battle I had was a very, VERY hard battle. So if this is the first battle, I can't even believe what Alma is like. It is a fun game, but getting killed is tiring, as soon after the three times I died, by the time I got to the horsemen in the second level, all i did was die.

So, that's my party. I swear I'll be updating VGNO soon!

Sarkathlon 2, might be your only chance to get recon armor.

Posted by Anonymous Friday, April 18, 2008 0 comments

Ok, so here's the laydown.

Mongoose Riding



Ok. So there are the basics. Some more specific rules.

End with 8 grenades

10 checkpoints with the fastest time

Whoever gets the fastest time gets Recon armor.

Runner-ups get Jinx Clothing.

All you have to do is go to Under the tab Community you will find the People Finder, click on it, type in Mr Sark in the search bar, click on the avaible link at the top that links to Mr Sark's profile, then click View Service Record right next to his Halo 3 insignia and total games played. Once there, click File Share and then download:

Sarkathlon2-Tut(tutorial video)

Make sure to watch the tutorial video to see how it's done. Click on the links to download if you like going the simple way.


Screenshots are from Mr Sark's file share. Enjoy!

Also view his videos,

Messy-Double kill, betrayal, and a suicide. Not bad for one laser.
Sarkathlon 1 Winning Video-Video of champion's run, DJ Maluus. This will show you that it's not as easy as it seems, and that there are other ways of completing the courses.

Oh, by the way, did I mention the prize was RECON ARMOR!!!!!!


Posted by Didi Thursday, April 17, 2008 3 comments

Yes I actually got HONOR ROLL! So I told my mom if I got honor roll she would have to let me get GTAIV, so I might get that. But I do want atleast $20 worth of microsoft pionts(to buy COD4 maps and Rock Band DLC). If there is anything you want to recomend I get make a comment to this post, and I will make a poll so choose wisely.

Sarkathlon 2, why do I mention it...why does it matter?

Posted by Anonymous Wednesday, April 16, 2008 0 comments

A Halo why do you care?

It is all worth the's just going to be as hard as hell though.

Click here for information.

By the way, the map will be available tomorrow.

Best proposal I have every seen.

Posted by Anonymous Sunday, April 13, 2008 4 comments

Awesome right? I found this on and it's an awesome story. This guy works on a custom stage as a proposal for his fiancee. He starts a game with the time limit on infinity with Mario, Peach, and Kirby(the fiancee's favorite). He turns off the TV and leaves the game running. He then leaves the room. His fiancee then comes and turns the TV on, and asks if he's in a middle of a game. He comes back in with a small box in his hand and insists in looking at the TV again. She takes a look, and then says,"Oh. Yes!"

Super Smash Brothers just gets into your life doesn't it. I am also very relieved that it actually worked. I don't think there are that many women out there who think this might be cute, but it got her! Good luck!

Gloqwi I am your FATHER!

Posted by Didi Saturday, April 12, 2008 1 comments

Well if you haven't figured out already, Gloqwi has left this blog and went on to VGNO(whatever that stands for). I'm not sure if he left or if he just isn't going to write on this blog anymore. I was thinking he could just write the anime stuff there and stuff we(writers on THIS blog) would find interesting like video games news and so forth here. Hopefully he will take my suggestion. He mentioned on his other blog how you get a 4 month Bungie Pro subscription for free with the New Halo 3 maps. To bad HE WON'T GET THEM AND I WILL! I don't even plan on using the slots so whatever.
Now let me dedicate this video to my son who I hope is watching this right now. :(

Playing Halo 3 on Co-op

Posted by Didi Friday, April 11, 2008 2 comments

Well I've been playing on LEGENDARY in Halo 3 with some guys I met in Team Slayer, but I found out the host didn't turn the meta-game thing on so I didn't get any achievements :( . I've been watching video previews for the Legendary Map-Pack and all I have to say is WOW! I mean it looks pretty cool with all the new forge objects and how each map looks. Well done EA I mean Bungie. I get paid ateast $25 today or tomorrow so I'll buy some microsoft pionts. Probably going to buy Halo 3 maps Tuesday and Call of Duty 4 map-packs, and MAYBE Rock Band DLC! :)
And to finish my post I will end it with this video.

Funny news reporters.

Posted by The_Conductor 0 comments

Just watch it.

Check out the VGNO Feed

Posted by Anonymous 0 comments

Check out the VGNO Feed for updated news on games.

Why doesn't everyone calm down

Posted by Didi Thursday, April 10, 2008 3 comments

Let's not go into the Savage vs. Amir fight soooo Ikaruga(one of the best Gamecube games EVER) was released on Xbox Live Marketplace yesterday. I played the trail and that game is crazy hard, well atleast for me. Fans boycott the Battlefield:Bad Company DLC because it's expensive, Variety Map Pack looks amazing, Legendary Map Pack in 5 days, and GTA IV is going to be amazing I HOPE!

$4v493 1$ 4 (0x $µ(|{3r

Posted by The_Conductor Wednesday, April 9, 2008 0 comments

$4v493 ¥0µ 4r3 4 b17(h 4nÐ 1 4m n07 0ƒ 7µr|{3¥'$ Ð3$(3n7. 4£$0 ¥0µ p1(|{3Ð 7h3 £0$1n9 $1Ð3 0ƒ 7h3 (1v1£ w4r. $0 wh¥ Ð0n7 ¥0µ 90 ƒ4££ Ð0wn $0m3 $741r$.

P.$. ¥0µ $µ(|{

No Confederacy on MY BLOG!!!! THis is MADNESS!!!!

Posted by Anonymous Tuesday, April 8, 2008 0 comments

THIS IS GLOQWI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm back

Posted by Number_2 Monday, April 7, 2008 0 comments

Yeah. I'm back.

I'm 13 and your not

Posted by Didi Sunday, April 6, 2008 0 comments

Well my birthday is today, still waiting for Halo 3. >:D

By a very close call, the Xbox 360 one by a very small margin. Here are all the reasons.

The PS3.

Dualshock 3. (2/5)
Metal Gear Solid 4 Beta. (4/5)
Warhawk's 2nd Expansion pack. (3/5)
No DLC on the Store this week. (-1)
Home planned to come out this April. (3/5)

Now, Microsoft's side: The Xbox 360.

Halo 3 Heroic DLC turns free. (3/5)
CoD4 Map pack released. (5/5)
Forge filters. (1/5)
Lag issues for Xbox Live. (-1)
Halo 3 Legendary Map Pack announcement release date revealed. (4/5)


Very very close call. Well, that's it for Console War Fridays this week.

I am currently at a Sony store.

Posted by Anonymous Saturday, April 5, 2008 0 comments

Hehehe. I was trying to take a peek at the blog and while I looked at the post, I noticed it would let the picture of the Xbox 360 and PS3 picture be shown. There are many sites blocked on this server I suppose, as it also blocks the images of me and Didi's gamertags. Or maybe they don't want any mention of the Xbox 360 anywhere in this store.

A few seconds ago, I found this game previewed in the store, called Ridge Racer 7. Sometimes I do great, as more than half of the races I played were ranked 1st place, and sometimes I do terrible, landing myself a rank lower than 10th. It has some of the coolest drift engines EVAR!

Currently, the Xbox 360 is still leading by one point. Cmon. COMMENT!!!!!!!!

Console War Friday #1

Posted by Anonymous Friday, April 4, 2008 5 comments

This will seem worse than you think.

First off, Sony's side: The PS3.

--Dualshock 3. Contains long awaited rumble but keeps the (sometimes terrible) motion functionality of the Six-Axis controller. Since this feature should have been here LONG ago, this only scores the PS3 a 3/5(minus one for coming soon). (2/5)
--Metal Gear Solid 4 Beta. Something that I'm dying to need but only lasting for o so long. Available to download on April 17, this Beta will feature the multi player aspects of the game and will last from April 21 to May 5. 5/5(minus one for coming soon). (4/5)
--Warhawk's 2nd Expansion pack. 4/5(minus one for coming soon) (3/5)
--No DLC on the Store this week. Minus one.
--Home planned to come out this April. 4/5(minus one for coming soon) (3/5)(Just to add a note that this is something I am personally excited for.)

Now, Microsoft's side: The Xbox 360.

--Halo 3 Heroic DLC turns free. 3/5.
--CoD4 Map pack released. Contains Chinatown, Killhouse, Broadcast, and Creek. 5/5.
--Forge filters. Seem to be awesomes, but since this doesn't seem as big the PS3 news, this only gets a 2/5(minus one for coming soon). 1/5
--Lag issues for Xbox Live(Didi knows about this for RSV2). Sadly a minus one.

For now, there is only a war between X360 and PS3, no Wii. As I think I have to be responsible for this(since it's kinda obvious of who's defending who(Didi X360, Savage PS3)), I will be focusing on the Wii for just a little bit. If nothing happens next week, I switch back to these two.

Current Scores:

PS3: 11.
X360: 8.

I am also surprised. I am also surprised.

The wars end tomorrow night at 8:30/C. So please comment and tell me something of importance I have missed and I will rate it's importance. I will also accept any reasons to boost any of these reason's scores. So comment NOW!


[UPDATE-As of 12:51 PM] Halo 3 Legendary Map Pack announcement trailer, pack coming out the 15th. 5/5 (minus one for coming soon) (4/5) For XBOX 360

Updated scores:
PS3: 11
X360: 12

It is getting very close!!! And please post reasonable reasons. This won't end until tonight!

Yes. It is true. The map pack was delayed until April 10th, BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT, Infinity Ward and Microsoft managed to find some to get the certification done early and, well, here they are! That is my understanding of what happened, not sure if that is what happened, but that is what I understand.

I did though, hear about it releasing early this morning last night on X-Play! I was just to lazy to make a post about it. GJ Didi. I'm going to go weep in the corner of my bathroom now.

Kaillif lied once again. The Variety Map-Pack for Call of Duty 4 was released today for both the Xbox 360 and PS3 for 800 microsoft pionts or $10. Now I can't say I got it the first day, but there still is halo 3


Posted by Didi Thursday, April 3, 2008 1 comments

PS3 sucks! Xbox 360 has wayyyyy better DLC than PS3. If you haven't seen the new Legendary Map-Pack trailer for Halo 3 than get off this earth. Oh and Kaillif please tell me how to add video to a post and make sure you get rid of that dumb April Fools Stuff ok!


MUAHAHAHAHHAHA. It's actually happening tonight right now. The actually event. Im watching right now.


TEH AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by Anonymous 2 comments


if you can decode this you're a genius.
if you can see this, your even smarter.

Posted by Anonymous 0 comments

Kaillif I hate You much alot for editing My SONG!

In other news, Playstation HOME is planned to be launched this April. Initially it is totally free (unlike the XBOX 360 online) and you only need to download it (500 MB) You can customize your avatar, and you start out with a small "apartment". You can play arcade games, go bowling, or play pool with your friends, which methinks is free. For real money, however, you can purchase decorations for your house, clothes, and a larger house (although some clothes and decorations are free) You can voice and text chat with people while walking down the street or in the large central plaza. There is also a movie theater. You can also share games and multimedia with your buddies. Methinks this is the first step in having a world where nobody goes out of thier houses and thier family's life is entiely on a CONSOLE.

Top this off with the COD4 maps, Warhawk's price dropping ten dollars, a Warhawk expansion pack(thanks for your information Didi) , a Pixel Junk Monsters expansion (which, by the way, is an awesome game) and a FlOw bundle, APRIL ROCKS FOR THE PS3!!!!!!

just click the link above and no it's not Rick Roll or whatever that thing is called

Savage is Coming! Savage is Coming!

Mine eyes have seen the gloroosed the fatefng of His terriword;His truth is m. Glois truth is marching on.

I have seen Him in the wires of a hundread HHallelujah! Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!Glory! Glory! Hallelujah! His day is marching on.

I have read a fiery rows of steelry! Glory! Hallelujah! Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!Glory! Glory! Hallelujah! Since Sav is marching on.

He has sound for the call retreat He is siting out the hearts of men before His judgment seat;Ohim! be jubileet; Savon. Glor! Gloollelujah! Sang on.

Iuty of ties age was born acre ary in His heat that transfigures you and me :Ass die to make men free; While Savge is marching on. Glory! Glory! Hallelujah! Glory! Glory! Hallelujah! Glory! Glory! Hallelujah! While Savage is marching on.

He is coming like the glory of the morning on the wavestool, and the soul of wrong His God is marching on. Glors marching on.

Yep. That's right. Gears of War has finally connected with a director and a script. I just really hope it's not a Far Cry.

In other news, let's review the best freaking video game April Fool's Joke...

but first, I'd just like to say, whoever said there was going to be DLC for SSBB and ended up being an April Fool's Joke, I hate you with a passion.

Now, for the awesomeness...PRESENTED IN HDEH!......

actually, sorry guys. Blogger will not allow me to upload a video more than 100MB large. So now I have to compress it to a mere 43MB. Very sorry...oh well. Now it looks even more realistic. How? In the HD version you could clearly see how fake the lighting was in the Temple of Time. Now, it's hard to digress!

(video coming soon)

1. Story mode is actually pretty long(like a Rainbow Six games), but it keeps a steady pace and keeps you guessing throughout the game.

2. You can customize your character and weapons in every way possible. You can even make your guy fat. You want to make your guy a pickle or a tomato, well you can. You want to put your face on your character, well you can.

3. The new terrorist mode lets you play with 4 friends,or random people, and take out all the terrorist in a map, but you only get 2 respawns. On Normal difficulty it isn't hard, but realistic is very challenging.

4. New additions to Rainbow Six Vegas 2 are that A.C.E.S.(challenges you have to complete like in Call of Duty 4) lets you unlock new weapons and armor for your character.

5. I forgot to mention...the MULTI-PLAYER IS AWESOME. Total Counquest is probably my favorite game mode ever in a game. It's basically like headquarters except way more intense and fun. There are 3 satleites things in a map and you have to capture and hold each one so that the other team doesn't control it. You gain xp for EVERY kill you partner/s makes in any mode even story mode. There is also a VIP thing like in Halo 3,but I haven't played that one yet.

Just pick up the game!

Lolz. April Fools...yeah. I relocated the blog to somewhere safe and made sure that you couldn't find the blog even if you looked on my profile. By the way, the url that I relocated the site to was And now the site is back. Happy April Fools day!

My Blogging Buddies!


Yatirim Kredi
View my complete profile
