YouMedia get new media!

Posted by Anonymous Wednesday, February 3, 2010 2 comments

Games, games, and more games! A special delivery arrived at about 4:30PM today. Thank our awesome librarian Taylor for funding us with four new games, all supposed to be very awesome games (each of them getting an average of over 8/10s from most reviewers!)
There's going to be a happy nerd rushing toward the library everyday after school now! A Borderlands review will be in the works soon! And there's definitely some Batman worked into there, but when we don't feel like working, we'll definetly switch to some Bad Company! Not that excited to play inFamous, and probably after all of the other games, Final Fantasy XIII probably would have come out by that time, so don't get your hopes up for anything inFamous unless I get it myself!
It's gonna be a good quarter of gaming, it's also probably going to be a quarter of slacking on homework... :P

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