Most sincere apologies...

Posted by Anonymous Wednesday, January 20, 2010 2 comments

I definitely have to disappear from the gaming world for a couple of days or a couple of weeks...not because I got re-grounded (which will probably happen soon, though), but because me sneaking video games has been holding me back on doing a LOT of homework for school, and my grades are beginning to show it. Not that I have incredibly bad grades or anything, I just need to study for these finals coming up soon and I need a really high grade on these. I also need to start doing more homework. If you look at my grades, my projects/tests scores are pretty As, but my homework/participation(What? I get bored...) grades pretty bad. I will get back on updating this website as soon as possible (starting with my unfinished year in tweets, my review of DJ Hero and Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children Complete (and my thoughts about the FFVII Saga itself), and things not totally video games related, like my thoughts on my favorite ABC TV show, Castle! It's gonna be awesome, I promise! I'm just gunna go away and study really quickly, okay! Oh, and check out my friends' blogs, as they just remembered they had them!

Patunga13's blog

CrimsonSasuke's blog

Oh, we are also starting up our old machinima project again, but I wouldn't put much faith in it. I can't see us being as awesome as the other guys on YouTube, but hey, I've seen my doubts broken before...

Well, bye for now! I'll probably update this post with a video I made a week ago (because that is what I spent my spare time with). See ya later!

My Blogging Buddies!


Yatirim Kredi
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