I am currently at a Sony store.

Posted by Anonymous Saturday, April 5, 2008 0 comments

Hehehe. I was trying to take a peek at the blog and while I looked at the post, I noticed it would let the picture of the Xbox 360 and PS3 picture be shown. There are many sites blocked on this server I suppose, as it also blocks the images of me and Didi's gamertags. Or maybe they don't want any mention of the Xbox 360 anywhere in this store.

A few seconds ago, I found this game previewed in the store, called Ridge Racer 7. Sometimes I do great, as more than half of the races I played were ranked 1st place, and sometimes I do terrible, landing myself a rank lower than 10th. It has some of the coolest drift engines EVAR!

Currently, the Xbox 360 is still leading by one point. Cmon. COMMENT!!!!!!!!

My Blogging Buddies!


Yatirim Kredi
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