The pictures are so cool I had to post BOTH!!!! Devil May Care*ahem*Christ*ahem*Chry, oh, just screw it. !!!!!

WTF!!?!?!?!? If they were planning to beat CoD4 with this crap, it's not going to happen. I've been waiting so long for a team swat playlist on Halo 3, but pissed that it's only TEMPORARY!!!!!!

Oh well. God of War 3 announced. Maybe this will be the one I get. All the past games look kool.

N+ looks VERY INTRESTING. I have a thousand microsoft points....what should I use them for?

I finally saw Dishwasher's masterpiece....HOLYCRAPMOFGLOLZMAOJKWTZKY!??!?!?DEAD SAMURAI FOR TEH LIFE!!!!!!

Now I understand why they said Metal Gear Solid 4 cannot be on the Xbox 360....because it's not Bluuuu-ray....

I wouldn't have taken that as an excuse, but now that I've heard the news that Metal Gear Solid 4 is to big for even Blu Ray, Hideo deserves my apology. I apologize....

Or is that just a lie?

By the way guys, Army of Two looks even more awesome than the commercial...which is AWESOME! I saw some gameplay footage and watched the review, and I might've completely understated it....but I have to play it for myself for the final verdict.

I might also get either Peggle or Phase for my iPod. Can't wait to try them out!

And Zero..*ahem* Nero Punctuation has taken a stand at Devy May Cri For. Watch the review!


I really wish I was at Gee Dee See now. I would have been the only person screaming my head off when Cliffy announced Gears of War 2. I'm serious. I would not be embarrassed one single bit.

My Blogging Buddies!


Yatirim Kredi
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