I'm trying my best to make this site as awesome as ever so, there might be a few bugs on the site okaize? It's not easy messin' around with the HTML.


Posted by Anonymous 0 comments

Wow. Far Cry movie trailer....emm....you might not want to watch this.

Wait.....The next gen consoles are already coming out in 2010????

littlebigplanet news finall
-wait, never mind, it's just a video.

Wait....no KOTOR III?????NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Screw the Wii, look at the Vii!

I've always heard about Zero Punctuation and his reviews, but after watching the trailer on X-Play, I had to watch this. And lookie here.

Some more soon.


Posted by Anonymous 0 comments

OH MY GOD!!!!!(happily screams!!)

LOL. And I did not have a say in this at all.

Everyone has left to fulfill they're own dreams.

They were all interns for 2 days. And I had fun trying to control this hell.


Bye Bye

Posted by Morley Musick 0 comments

Hey Im leaving and takin down my last two alex posts, cause they were dumb as shit. Im starting a new skating blog. Ill post the link later maybe. It was fun while it lasted Kailiff. I guess no one liked each others posts. Sorry Kailiff, its still a great blog man, but I really didnt fit in here anyways. I dont have a system so my posts were really pointless. See ya.

Great post DIDI!

Bye Guys

Posted by Didi 2 comments

No I'm not going to have an ending like Alex, but who gives a s**t anyways? Not me. I don't care. *@~$ happens man and you have to deal with it. So just sit back and watch this.

And remember one thing..... I'm still standing muth@%*@$&ka!

My Blogging Buddies!


Yatirim Kredi
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