I'm trying my best to make this site as awesome as ever so, there might be a few bugs on the site okaize? It's not easy messin' around with the HTML.
Wow. Far Cry movie trailer....emm....you might not want to watch this.
Wait.....The next gen consoles are already coming out in 2010????
littlebigplanet news finall-wait, never mind, it's just a video.
Wait....no KOTOR III?????NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Screw the Wii, look at the Vii!
I've always heard about Zero Punctuation and his reviews, but after watching the trailer on X-Play, I had to watch this. And lookie here.
Some more soon.
OH MY GOD!!!!!(happily screams!!)
LOL. And I did not have a say in this at all.
Everyone has left to fulfill they're own dreams.
They were all interns for 2 days. And I had fun trying to control this hell.
Hey Im leaving and takin down my last two alex posts, cause they were dumb as shit. Im starting a new skating blog. Ill post the link later maybe. It was fun while it lasted Kailiff. I guess no one liked each others posts. Sorry Kailiff, its still a great blog man, but I really didnt fit in here anyways. I dont have a system so my posts were really pointless. See ya.
Great post DIDI!
No I'm not going to have an ending like Alex, but who gives a s**t anyways? Not me. I don't care. *@~$ happens man and you have to deal with it. So just sit back and watch this.
And remember one thing..... I'm still standing muth@%*@$&ka!