Who new Kaillif was such a еmb4$$?

Posted by Didi Sunday, February 17, 2008 1 comments

Yes I did rent Halo 3, and yes I am stuck on the campaign. But I did gain 1000 pionts for my gamescore. Well here it goes, my brother rented The Avatar and played it. I told him not to rent because I heard it sucked even with the easy achievements.

Gamertag- pdidi911
If you want to play with me send me a friend invite

EDIT:Who you callin a еmb4$$? You couldn't even embed the picture right. Don't worry. All done.

Look at this. If you don't know what I'm talkin' about, watch this video. Next thing he's going to do is switch his language of origin setting and go to Halo 3 matchmaking, set the settings to My Language, and achievement boost.

For those PS3 Fanboys...

Posted by Anonymous 0 comments

Here are some awesome wallpapers for Dark Sector(even though its not even a PS3 exclusive. Click the pictures to see the awesomeness and right click to make it you new desktop background!!!

By the way, I finally got an RSS feed working. Click the orange button next to the http bar. Unless your using Safari, just click the button the has the words [RSS].

EDIT: Links to wallpapers fixed.

Turok Review

Posted by Number_2 1 comments

Its a cool game for both PS3 and the 360. With Dino's around every where to eat you alive. a bit of a button masher at times but all an all its a good game.

(This is not my picture)

Kaillif I don't think your going to regret adding me. Oh and by the way who is the new kid?

Moving on to gaming news, dynasty warriors 6 got a 6.0 out of 10,
WTF http://www.gamestop.com/productmerch.asp?groupid=970,
and the best game content on Marketplace is the Rock Band Punk Pack 2 and the herioc map pack for halo 3. Keep waiting for your downloadable maps Call of Duty 4 owners.

I've invited one new writer and one old, am I going to regret this?

Because I thought I would, i deleted my invite to Savage and I don't plan on resending. As for Didi, he might stay.

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Yatirim Kredi
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