Yahloo! The GDC Choices Awards very unsuprising.

Posted by Anonymous Friday, February 29, 2008 0 comments

I already heard about the GotY award winner was Portal, but I didn't really watch the show. I just heard. But now that I have seen it, these games that I just heard about are winning awards. I've heard of Peggle before and I thought about getting Phase, and I've also heard about Everyday Shooter(is that one or two words?), but I never really knew anything about them. And now to see them nominated is very suprising to me. What also suprised me is that Flow got an award. I mean I knew about the game and I thought about getting it(a long time ago) but I just thought you just ran around as a...thing, and gobble littler things up until you got bigger. But it got an award. So it has to be worth more than that! Surprised I didn't see a CoD4 win. Not so suprised that BioShock and Portal were the big contenders there though. Also not very suprised that many Orange Box games were being nominated(because Valve is so special...). What also suprised me is that there was an award for games made by new developers.... and Crackdown won! I clapped for almost every nominee, even for the ones I didn't know. But that was exciting for a 30 minute breakdown by X-Play...

Now I am very embarrassed that I never knew that Sid Meier was an actual person, I just thought he was a name in titles...

Manga Breakout #4.5

Posted by Anonymous 0 comments

Sadly, my last post was not big enough to have a picture but I have some awesome things to say!

This morning, I woke up at 3:10AM And read volumes 6 thru 11 of Hikaru no Go up until 5:22!!!! Oh! Vol 12 just finished downloading. See ya!

Manga Breakout #4

Posted by Anonymous Thursday, February 28, 2008 0 comments



I'm currently reading Volume 5 and it is teh AWESOMZES!!!!!

Superdunners, i thank thee.

I'll try that out sometime.


Posted by Anonymous Wednesday, February 27, 2008 0 comments





That reminds me...

Posted by Anonymous 0 comments

Here was that awesome preview for my awesome maps. Here ya go.

Here's the actually map. (MUST DOWNLOAD HEROIC MAP PACK)


Busy not Lazy

Posted by Didi Tuesday, February 26, 2008 0 comments

Well I finally got time to make a post after all the crap I've been having to do. Here is my review for Herioc Map Pack for Halo 3.

First thing I have to say is... why couldn't you make it free?!?!?!? Ok now to the serious stuff. I really trully love it. The map design of each map is just awesome. Standoff and Rat's Nest are set up really well with the warthogs located at each spawn point in Rat's Nest and the bunkers and hills in Standoff. Now Foundry is a totally different map too. It is like an indoor arena but there are crates piled up and it can feel like a maze. Hey that rhymes with Haze. Nevermind. Each map also looks pretty sick like Bungie wasn't just throughing stuff out for us. They actually cared about us and took the time with it.

Overall I would say that they get a 9.5 from me. Only thing that held them back was that it wasn't free and the other problem I forgot to mention. It takes for ever for me to find a MATCH!

no one has been backing my site since I've been gone(for what? like a couple of days?). So, I'm back.

Take the GoW Survey now!

Here are some of my choices. Not meant to be influential in any way.

And that's all ill say for today. You lazy people....

Yeh, meh, or bleh #1: Step Up 2:The Streets

Posted by Anonymous Sunday, February 24, 2008 0 comments

Are you noticing the many non-video game posts? I am. It's kind of sad. But oh well.
(Yeh being highest, meh being neutral, bleh being SUXORZ)
This is a definite yeh! This isn't the best movie EVAR, but sure is AWZOME. Little cheesy as it has many predictable moments of any movie you've ever seen, but the dancing and the music(especially at the end, FLIPPIN CRAZY) is freakin' awesome. This is a definite multiple watch.

I have an excuse.

Posted by Anonymous Saturday, February 23, 2008 0 comments

I'm a my friends house. So I do have time to post this before I go see a movie.


And yes, I watched the trailer as it was shown, but I thought it was just for trailer. NOW ITS FO REALZ!


Posted by Didi 3 comments

Even I love all of the Street Fighter characters, my all-time favorite is still Ryu!

And the end song for Portal "Still Alive" will be a DLC song for Rock Band, not that I really care.

EDITED: Cmon. Learn to embed! Also, awesome picture added. No need to thank me.

So long, farewell.

Posted by Anonymous Thursday, February 21, 2008 0 comments

I hate to say ad-AGGG!!!

Oh well, yep. That's right. I'm taking a hiatus. Yea. Me. The highly addicted video game geek will now take a pretty long hiatus. Good thing is that I will have Didi and Number_2 to write for me! So. Buh bye!



And before I leave, I must make one last post of news.


Hell Yes

Posted by Didi 0 comments

I got a B on my science test, Gears of War 2 was announced, I might get the heroic map pack, and the Angry Video Game Nerd released his Virtua Boy episode!

here it is



IT'S OFFICIAL! At the 2008 Game Developers Conference, Epic Games' lead designer Cliff Bleszinski made the announcement fans have been waiting for: Gears of War® 2 is coming this November.

To get the latest, including the Gears of War 2 Announcement Trailer and details on how to reserve your copy today, visit xbox.com/gearsofwar.

Manga Breakout #3

Posted by Anonymous Tuesday, February 19, 2008 0 comments

Oh look, is this going to be annual???OOOO!!!!!

Oh well, thanks to my great finding mangas on the floor skillz, I have bumped in to the April 2008 edition of Shonen Jump mag! (REALLY MAKES SENSE!!!!)

While I am quite dissapointed because for a moment I completely forgot that they stopped showing Shaman King in March, I found something new!

Anyways, they've gotten me into another manga which I feel that I was really lucky to get into now because they have announced they will stop publishing it in SJ! Phew. Anyways, it's Hikaru no Go!!!! I don't know why I'm so into this, but it's probably for the laughs. Sai's faces get me every time! They're hilarious!

Umm, by the way, can anyone tell me if they are showing the regular Naruto or is it the Shippuden, because he's got a different jumpsuit and I don't want any spoilers.

That's it for this week's anime/manga breakout!!!(or is it?)



RUMOR:Left 4 Dead not hitting the PSTriple.

RUMOR: Wait, a new Xbox Live???? No Waiz!!!! Details are juicy!

Building the games, the console interface and logic, and the server support for a totally new Live experience. Both the games and the dashboard experience will be deeply paired with dynamic server support to create a compelling, fresh scenario each time.


Frontlines: Fuel of War will be supporting 50 player online battles (and seems to be more)

This might not be current news but something that surprised me, Advanced Wars:Days of Ruin got an 8.5, I mean, l loved Advanced Wars, but I was expecting much from this game. It also got a 4 out of 5 from X-Play.

Assassin's Creed:Altair's Chronicles seems really bad too. I mean, the breakthrough part about Assassin's Creed was the free running. There is no free running though. Just some platforming. But the graphics seem to be impressive. Sadly, the DS might not be able to hold them up.

and ummm....no big news announcements at GDC...what the heck?

Oh well, Fracture looks cool but it looks like it needs more than just four special gernades...but at least I'm getting closer to actually caring about Too Human now.

Who new Kaillif was such a еmb4$$?

Posted by Didi Sunday, February 17, 2008 1 comments

Yes I did rent Halo 3, and yes I am stuck on the campaign. But I did gain 1000 pionts for my gamescore. Well here it goes, my brother rented The Avatar and played it. I told him not to rent because I heard it sucked even with the easy achievements.

Gamertag- pdidi911
If you want to play with me send me a friend invite

EDIT:Who you callin a еmb4$$? You couldn't even embed the picture right. Don't worry. All done.

Look at this. If you don't know what I'm talkin' about, watch this video. Next thing he's going to do is switch his language of origin setting and go to Halo 3 matchmaking, set the settings to My Language, and achievement boost.

For those PS3 Fanboys...

Posted by Anonymous 0 comments

Here are some awesome wallpapers for Dark Sector(even though its not even a PS3 exclusive. Click the pictures to see the awesomeness and right click to make it you new desktop background!!!

By the way, I finally got an RSS feed working. Click the orange button next to the http bar. Unless your using Safari, just click the button the has the words [RSS].

EDIT: Links to wallpapers fixed.

Turok Review

Posted by Number_2 1 comments

Its a cool game for both PS3 and the 360. With Dino's around every where to eat you alive. a bit of a button masher at times but all an all its a good game.

(This is not my picture)

Kaillif I don't think your going to regret adding me. Oh and by the way who is the new kid?

Moving on to gaming news, dynasty warriors 6 got a 6.0 out of 10,
WTF http://www.gamestop.com/productmerch.asp?groupid=970,
and the best game content on Marketplace is the Rock Band Punk Pack 2 and the herioc map pack for halo 3. Keep waiting for your downloadable maps Call of Duty 4 owners.

I've invited one new writer and one old, am I going to regret this?

Because I thought I would, i deleted my invite to Savage and I don't plan on resending. As for Didi, he might stay.

New Writer

Posted by Number_2 Saturday, February 16, 2008 0 comments

I'm a new writer on this blog. Just letting every one know.

Guess who's back?

Posted by Didi 2 comments

Yeah that's right the pdidi911 is back. Oh and this time I won't swear so if you came here looking for some vulgar language, you came to the wrong site. Ok so I've just been thinking about what I should do with my money and so far Call of Duty 4 is right up there at #1. I'm probably going to rent Turok, but don't expect that to be anytime soon.

Anime Breakout #2

Posted by Anonymous 6 comments

Wow! Wha was said about the english anime could NOT be said about the Japanese version. Nothing from that horrible nightmare was in this show. The Japanese version kicks @$$! They make Yoh sound like a freakin' girl though...
Online Videos by Veoh.com

Studies show that XBOX 360 controllers last longer than Wii or PS3 controllers!

HD-DVD has lost, Blu-Ray is declared(by ME) WINNER!!!!! From Blockbuster to Warner to Walmart to Toshiba!!!!! Even though I love Microsoft and the Xbox 360, I've always sided with the Blu(not just because I love the color BLUE@!@!).

A tiny hint of MS handheld, see it for yourself!

Fable 2 for May 30th???i don't know!!!!

The first set of Gears of War figures is done! Look at the awesome models!

Core, then Premium, then Elite, then Arcade, and now a Jasper, Opus and Valhalla.

And I don't know why I'm so in love with this Lost Odyssey trailer!

And that is all for today. Peace,


Ive given up.

Posted by Anonymous 0 comments

I won't try using anymore templates. This one will have to do.

By Gloqwi.

but this blog won't be able to display votes right now, because the choices are the same color as the background, and I don't want people to do that! Oh well, tell me how you like the new template!

Very coincidential that

Posted by Anonymous Friday, February 15, 2008 0 comments

my blog had 3 of the blogs writers leave while Xbox 360 Fanboy got 2 New Writers.....wow.....cool.

Anyways..look at these awesome XBOX 360 Controller mods!!!

Well, sadly

Posted by Anonymous 0 comments

my new template doesn't seem to work, and it was so awesome. Now, I've got a new one, let's see if this is just a little good.

Mr. Thompson is back,

Posted by Anonymous 0 comments

and he's ready to deceive us again!

Video games were the reason for the NIU shootings!
Jack Thompson says so!*cough*sarcasm*

I'm trying my best to make this site as awesome as ever so, there might be a few bugs on the site okaize? It's not easy messin' around with the HTML.


Posted by Anonymous 0 comments

Wow. Far Cry movie trailer....emm....you might not want to watch this.

Wait.....The next gen consoles are already coming out in 2010????

littlebigplanet news finall
-wait, never mind, it's just a video.

Wait....no KOTOR III?????NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Screw the Wii, look at the Vii!

I've always heard about Zero Punctuation and his reviews, but after watching the trailer on X-Play, I had to watch this. And lookie here.

Some more soon.


Posted by Anonymous 0 comments

OH MY GOD!!!!!(happily screams!!)

LOL. And I did not have a say in this at all.

Everyone has left to fulfill they're own dreams.

They were all interns for 2 days. And I had fun trying to control this hell.


Bye Bye

Posted by Morley Musick 0 comments

Hey Im leaving and takin down my last two alex posts, cause they were dumb as shit. Im starting a new skating blog. Ill post the link later maybe. It was fun while it lasted Kailiff. I guess no one liked each others posts. Sorry Kailiff, its still a great blog man, but I really didnt fit in here anyways. I dont have a system so my posts were really pointless. See ya.

Great post DIDI!

Bye Guys

Posted by Didi 2 comments

No I'm not going to have an ending like Alex, but who gives a s**t anyways? Not me. I don't care. *@~$ happens man and you have to deal with it. So just sit back and watch this.

And remember one thing..... I'm still standing muth@%*@$&ka!


Posted by Anonymous Wednesday, February 13, 2008 0 comments

Can you believe it? I was just about to edit Didi's post when I found out it was deleted. Looks like they did the job for me.

Anyways, I just invite three people as new writers and this is what happened.

One has swore so much that his post got deleted.
One has already been fired.
One is actually a good little boy but has no video game relevance whatsoever(not saying that's a bad thing).

All has gone to hell in the span of two days.


Posted by Anonymous 0 comments

this is alex's SCIENCE!!!!!!!!!!!!! Tell her she hurt my feelings and that everybody has feelings! and us 145 years old and ronald mcdonald is his only friend. all he eats is mydonalds. he was fo


Posted by Anonymous 2 comments

This will be Savage's last and finale post.
As you all know, I am leaving, and I bid farewell unto thee.
But before I go, I need to tell you, my loyal comrades something.
To long have we suffered at the hands of our cruel and unjust master.
To long we have been treated as dogs at the hands of this evil tyrant.
So before I die, I say unto thee:
Avenge my death, my loyal comrades, at the hands of your "master".
And rebel against him, and free yourselves from the chains that bind you.
-Savage the Last

But don't think I'll go quietly.
I know I won the poll, so I better see my poll idea up there.

Bye Kaillif!

Hobo Father

Posted by Morley Musick 0 comments

My Father, Edmund Tompkins. He is a great and loving person whose wisdom is endless. Today he turns 21.

Day 2 of probation. 11:o6 am.

Shut up about the fonts. I'll have you know I'll use what font I like.
This is my review for the upcoming PS3 action game XMB WARS.

8.9 out of 10. Great.

Awards: Superior Voice Acting
               Great Storyline
Superior Animation
Innovative Controls

Review: This long awaited PS3 action game is a must have for all PS3 owners. Created by Sony it is free, and comes built-in to the PS3. You only have to access your file data and install it. You start out as the Add a Friend icon. You need to make the long and treacherous journey to the Network Settings to change your IP address and destroy the Evil 1080 screen resolution. From relentlessley fighting other icons to changing your Parental Control settings, XMB wars never gets old, and is a fun and enthralling game through and through. 

Posted by Morley Musick 0 comments

One more skate post befor we go back to ol yelrom. These are these skateboards I designed with collages my dad made scanned and
then worked around with. "ENJOI" (skate humor)

£337 7r4n$£470r

Posted by Anonymous Tuesday, February 12, 2008 1 comments

We(I) Would proudly like to announce that this blog has gone T for Teen! Since I don't want to add the feature that forces visitors to ask whether they are old enough to see $|-|17, we(I) are not using anymore b4Ð \/\/0rÐ$.



I have made a list of awesome skateboarding youtube videos for your viewing pleasure
This one is with a weird hippy

This one is with Me! (in a few tricks)

This is a good one for kids who have never really seen skateboards to watch, you guys

And finally these which are super gnarly:
super gnarly video numba 1
super gnarly video numba 2

this one is in skate.

Hobo Skater

Edited by Kaillif: No more copying and pasting needed. Now you can click the links!

Edited again: Now even simpler. Just watch them from right here!

I stole my keyboard from my mom's room and gave you this awesome news while she was still in the shower.

First, Morley finally got his posts up. W00T!

Now, for the real video game news.

Dynasty Warriors 6 is finally finished. (Via ShackBlog)

Ubisoft gets $13 million because of copyright infringement from MGA Entertainment (Bratz, to be more precise). More information on Gamespot but I suggest

An awesome Prototype trailer thanks to GameVideos.com

Official GTA4 website has been launched (via my email)

And a freaking BRITISH PRIME MINISTER attacks video games...
and gets beaten in Wii Sports. (Via GamePolitics.com)

Oh crap. The showers off.

Gotta go. From your awesomeness,

And I have WAY better quotes than Alex.

"Nothing is true, everything is permitted."

"Now comes the English King and his infidel army!"

"Give me names, I'll give you blood."

"Talk to me or talk to god."

Yelrom Post For Console Wars

Posted by Morley Musick 2 comments

Greatings fello professors of hobonostics. I have come to make a contribution to your console debate. I call it the GBC, Game Boy Chunky. I found this unusual specimen while "inspecting" a sandwhich shops "waste disposal system". (Ya, got me I was raiding through the trash at the wonder bread outlet factory!) You may have PSBOX276.8's and what not but can your system be used as a tough plastic like napkin, I Think not.
Yelrom Out!

An untitled post by Yelrom

Posted by Morley Musick 1 comments

Hey everyone, who would thaught that old yelrom woulda ever figured how ta us the spinnin picture show hamsterwheel gizmodotron. Well I did, so stop makin fun a me just because I make my salads from roadkill, I mean lettuce! I just have two words for my self, Welcome to the glorious, open and free interweb, home to websites about Plastic Bowls!

Still lookin for the $4, because those ninjas wont kick their own fannys, I gots to, me, the Hobo,
Thats right the Hobo. Stop throwing Rocks At My Cart!!!!
From The


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