Anime Breakout 13: Frenchanese

Posted by Anonymous Monday, October 27, 2008

Yay! Time for a progress report in Code Lyoko.

Skipped Episode 24 straight to 25 because I kind of got tired of the filter but the concept of episode 25 sounds pretty cool and I wanted to know how they would solve that. After watching about the first 15 episodes I REALLY wanted to watch Code: Earth where the series actually takes a dive for an actual plotline. I really have nothing else to say about the show but I think I will have more to talk about when there is I get to the actual plotline(like how many people talk about the downfall of Heroes).

Sorry it’s so short, but as you might notice in a while, both of my websites will be getting updates. This will go on until the first of December, when I choose…something. I’m actually thinking about how I could keep both websites alive. As you also might see in this game, the focus of this website is changing, Instead of being a complete video game blog, this is more focused on internet culture that normal people with normal live(who think the internet destroys societies). You will be seeing a lot of other features on this website that aren’t really video game related. And who knows? This probably might only last until I start playing video games again, which I am expecting to be somewhere in early November. Anyway, enjoy the new features when you can. They might only last a while.

1 Responses to Anime Breakout 13: Frenchanese

  1. Anonymous Says:
  2. Kailiff, you ar an amazing web designer.


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