I'm getting Rainbow Six:Vegas 2 and your not!

Posted by Didi Friday, March 28, 2008

Yes it is confirmed. This weekend instead of getting Halo 3 I will get Rainbow Six: Vegas 2. It looks awesome and my friends told me to get so what da heck, only problem... I will lose all my money and my Xbox Live Gold expires in 6 days, but since there won't be any Xbox live April 1'st I only have 5 days! I'll probably just beg my mom for it.


  1. Anonymous Says:
  2. Meh. I need to see some HD!
    nah, im just kiddin. truth be told, wasn't very excited for it in the first place. I was excited enough to know when it was going to come out though...
    I soooooo want to touch SSBB again....

  3. Didi Says:
  4. put back the xbox 360,ps3, and wii news thing. I liked that. Oh and wait til R6V2 becomes most played xbl game.


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