New favorite movie title:

Posted by Gloqwi Sunday, July 10, 2011 0 comments

The Past Two Weeks Have Been Weeks Of...

Posted by Anonymous Thursday, April 28, 2011 0 comments
Much Anime and Entertainment filled these past two weeks! Basically a happy face for the entirety of the time! Looking back at it, I REALLY liked Madoka! XD Like, REALLY. But Portal 2 still beat it! XD And things I still have to do!: EVA 2.22 Spring Break Drawing Challenge! And get someone to play some Portal 2 Co-op with me! Hopefully on my birthday party this Saturday (going to cousin's house which HAS A PS3 YAY! ...

Anime Breakout 19: Best Spring Break Ever

Posted by Gloqwi Friday, April 22, 2011 0 comments
I never did get to posting Anime Breakout 19... Oh, hey everyone. Yeah, it's been over half a year since I posted something on this website. So why come back now? Well, you can thank my good friend Kasteroth. He sent me a message on Facebook asking me how my Spring Break has been, and I got to telling him that I've been working on a website and watching hellza lot of anime! I was thinking about linking him to this website, but I thought...

I don't think I can feel any more awesome.

Posted by Gloqwi Monday, August 2, 2010 0 comments
Shout out from Perpetual Geek Machine! I can't wait to listen to the episode! I haven't felt this awesome since the beginning of last year when I was mentioned in the show notes of the 100th X3F Podcast! Oh, how cool I feel right now......
This is another review of the XBLA game Limbo. To see the main review by Byrdie, click here. Limbo is REALLY open to interpretation. So open that it would probably piss a lot of people off. The story telling in the game is so vague, that you would probably miss the fact that "you are looking for your sister" up until the very end of the game (halfway through if you REALLY pay attention) unless you read the game summary. The open end-edness...

Short Update on the life and times of me!

Posted by Anonymous Monday, July 26, 2010 0 comments
In short, I got Windows 7 and it's pretty damn awesome! Also, FORGE WORLD LOOKS FUCKING FANTASTIC!!!!!!!! I NEED TO GET THIS GAME NOW!!!!! I was sold when I first saw it, sold even MORE when I read this, and then my heart and soul gave way when I saw these screenshots. If you don't recognize these images instantly, you don't play enough Halo. And that's ...

Is It Time To Move Along?

Posted by Gloqwi Thursday, July 22, 2010 0 comments
I know it. I don't update this website and no one visits it. Why do I still have it? Because it's a fantastic memory that I always want to remember. So yeah, I think I may have moved along to Library of Games. HAHA! NO! Instead, I will stay here and work on Library of Games as a lead contributor. Why should I barely hang onto this dying site? Because LoG doesn't do ANIME!...

LoG In: Kaillif Ammen [Gloqwi]

Posted by Gloqwi Monday, July 12, 2010 0 comments
 This is the new self-interview that I did for the new website that I'm on. Does it look familiar? Kaillif Ammen (Gamertag: Gloqwi) is a video game/anime addicted teen and one of the first two people who joined the YouMedia gaming club (originally known as the YPlay Gaming Club) that made this website! He has taken time out of his completely free schedule to answer some questions that look very familiar to people that visit

Broke'd In: Gloqwi (originally posted a year ago)

Posted by Gloqwi Saturday, July 3, 2010 0 comments
So, my friends wanted to start a machinima series, but it's been a year since that happened and it never really came into fruition. Before we started working, we all did these self-interviews that pretty much served as an 'About Me'. Now I am part of a new website THAT LACKS AN 'ABOUT US' PAGE, I think we need to do our own self interviews to make ourselves look MUCH more interesting. This is what I did for the machinima website a LONG...
A new Library of Games Podcast episode? Where?!? Oh, look at that! You weren't kidding!Why have we not released one in so long? Because Kaillif is a lazy piece of crap editor, that's why! The new editor is mu--- oh, it's still him. Oh well. At least he put one ou--- it's only five minutes long?!?Yeah, just to let you guys know, our podcast has been recording episodes ever since. I just never got to editing them. So now I bring you episode...
Hallo, one and everyone! This week has been filled with excitement and success! Supesharu Anaunsumento! The Library of Games podcast is coming back with a new episode either later today or tomorrow! We're planning to rebrand that shiz and turn it into something much more interesting now... And now for the super exciting awesome news surrounding my success! I can beat Painkiller and Panic Attack on Expert Drums now! WOOT WOOT! I mean,...
Why haven't you posted anything lately, Kaillif?Because I'm having fun playing video games.Playing video games? Does that mean...Yes. That means I'm not grounded anymore.Holy shiz, dude.I know.But seriously. Can't you post anything?Too..busy...kicking ass...this is what I've done in the past week...Beat Mass Effect 2 [3 days after I started it, 25 hours and 32 minutes.]Played Left 4 Dead 2 [Not for long. Didn't have any fun since there...

My Valve Pipe Dream: Sony ♥ Steam/Valve

Posted by Gloqwi Thursday, June 17, 2010 0 comments
HA! Get it? A VALVE pipe-dream? Because of valve pipes? And pipe dreams? And their name is Valve!?!?...Well, I'm a bit late to doing E3 expectations (since it's kinda, ya' know, the LAST DAY today), so instead I just wanted to do a dream sorta-thing. Something that I wish will happen but hope to God will happen. But hey, Valve always manages to surprise me. Today's focus? The mentioned new partnership between Sony and Valve. I hope they...

E3 Day Anything: The Only Thing That Matters:

Posted by Gloqwi Tuesday, June 15, 2010 0 comments
"I've been being really busy being know...after you MURDERED ME."New companion (one that actually speaks!)! New puzzle elements (heat lasers, gravity beams, vents, jumping gel, sliding gel, and jump pads!)I was able to beat the last game in a simple 5-something-hours. This game, looks, HA...
All you needed to know about Day's 0-1 of E3 (everything that interested me. :P) - Part 1: Microsoft, Ubisoft, NintendoMicrosoft's press conference was mediocre! Only thing super-special awesome is the new slim Xbox 360! Built-in Wi-Fi! 250GB Hard Drive! Same price! Looks sweet!Metal Gear Solid: Rising also looks pretty damn kick-ass! Hideo never lets me down!Fable 3 has been dated for October 26Halo: Reach going to have space battles!...

Gloqwi Today 6.14.10 - Failure to Commit

Posted by Gloqwi Monday, June 14, 2010 0 comments
So I was supposed to have a lot of exciting stuff up today, but things caught me by suprise:1. Oh! We have to record a podcast every Monday! I almost forgot!2. Oh! I still have to edit the last two podcasts and this week's because an E3 podcast is almost completely useless if not posted the day of...3. E3 has already started! Microsoft is already done with their conference while Ubisoft was finishing their's up on my ride home!4. Anime/Breakout still needs to be done!Current schedule:Block out any fun at YouMedia.Post up Post-Day:1...
I hope whoever has been reading this has enjoyed my mostly consistent posting! As celebration for me finally reaching episode 53 of Inazuma Eleven (I would call it a season ending since episode 51-52 was an hour long special and the ED changed) and E3 is starting tomorrow, I would like to announce a couple of things!NEW ANIME/MANGA BREAKOUT: 19 - Inazuma Eleven has gotten really good. Much better than the point I was at before (around the...

Gloqwi Today 6.12.10 - Cat. I'm a Copycat.

Posted by Gloqwi Saturday, June 12, 2010 0 comments
[As of typing: Inazuma Eleven Episode 34]Yeah, call me a copycat and getting on the rebranding train, but hey! I'm posting much more often than I used to and I think it's time to start a new. When I saw Joystiq and their new logo and how awesome their new design is, I just had to do it for myself as well. I decided to go font shopping and downloaded a huge collection of fonts to choose from.While testing one of the fonts, I noticed that...

Gēmu Otaku - Rock Band: Serious Battles are Serious

Posted by Gloqwi Thursday, June 10, 2010 1 comments
[As of writing: Inazuma Eleven Episode 27-28]So, no doubt I am basically the best Rock Band player of the usuals at YouMedia. I can own at guitar, pretty awesome at drums, and can sing anything on Expert.Today, around 4 or 5, I decided to approach the available PS3 next to the pillar. I wanted to go there because it reminded me that the Green Day: Rock Band demo finally got installed. As I was playing "Boulevard of Broken Dreams", I saw...
[As of typing: In Lunchroom. 8:55 AM, typing on Andrew's computer]Okay, so as of now, the game I am most excited for this year (and I am shocked myself) is Rock Band 3. New keyboard peripheral to beast (that works as an actual MIDI controller), new Pro difficulty mode to kick-ass in, new 25-fret guitars to shred for said-mode, beautiful new look, all the DLC from all the other games work, you can change difficulty and/or instrument during...

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